Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Movie Ratings!

Movie after movie after movie coming out week after week after week! Here are my favorites and their rankings in letter grade form ("A" being the highest of course):

1. Batman--The Dark Knight: A+
. Iron Man: A
3. Wall-E: A
4. Kung Fu Panda: A
5. Hellboy II: B+
6. Indiana Jones--Crystal Skull: B+
7. Get Smart: B
8. Incredible Hulk: B
9. Speed Racer: B
10. X-Files--I Want to Believe: B
11. Narnia--Prince Caspian: B-
12. Hancock: C+
13. Journey to the Center of the Earth (3D): C+
14. The Mummy--Tomb of the Dragon Emperor: C+
15. Star Wars--The Clone Wars: C

There are my summer movie rankings...more or less.


Elizabeth said...

Cool, I'll have to make a list of movies I want to see when I can see movies again! Or maybe I'll just let you make the lists... and I'll check them periodically. :-)

Michelle said...

I can't wait until I can see Wall E.

Robin Holt said...

I am super super super excited to see batman!!!!!!!!!!! Angie said it was pretty disturbing. I guess that just means they did a way good job with the joker.

Robin Holt said...

Oh my heck "The dark knight" is AMAZING!!!!

BJS said...

Ha! I'm glad you liked "The Dark Knight" soooooo much, Robin! :) I loved it a ton too! Going to see it again with Chris on Tuesday at the IMAX theater in Sandy. It's gonna be even sweeter the second time! :)

Elizabeth said...

I LOVED Batman... that's the only movie I've seen since Baby was born.

Anonymous said...

Your top ten movies are all the same as mine but in a different order ... Owen and I will be seeing Dark Night on our next date night (next week) and I must admit to being VERY curious! Great blog man!