Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Movie Ratings!

Movie after movie after movie coming out week after week after week! Here are my favorites and their rankings in letter grade form ("A" being the highest of course):

1. Batman--The Dark Knight: A+
. Iron Man: A
3. Wall-E: A
4. Kung Fu Panda: A
5. Hellboy II: B+
6. Indiana Jones--Crystal Skull: B+
7. Get Smart: B
8. Incredible Hulk: B
9. Speed Racer: B
10. X-Files--I Want to Believe: B
11. Narnia--Prince Caspian: B-
12. Hancock: C+
13. Journey to the Center of the Earth (3D): C+
14. The Mummy--Tomb of the Dragon Emperor: C+
15. Star Wars--The Clone Wars: C

There are my summer movie rankings...more or less.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Little bit of "Sunshine"

"Little Miss Sunshine" brought me a little bit of sunshine yesterday. I gave an edited copy to Chris for his birthday, and we finally got around to watching it. It is a dark comedy so some of the comedic elements are a little sininster (such as when they steal a dead body from a hospital), but the movie had such an endearing spirit, and it related to human nature so well that I couldn't help falling in love. So, in a nut-shell: very funny, and very good. :) I give "Little Miss Sunshine" a 9/10.